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Nahum Cross, By Tara Obriecht 

December 22, 2023

Breathing stopped, my heart stopped for my little one
Oh Nahum breath, Oh God 
Let your angels come

I know your mighty hand can save
Save Him I pled 
So many people, rushing around
Forgive me Lord for a moment my faith fled

Why God why my heart cries the echoes of David’s psalms
My only peace I get from their reading
Waiting on tests
So many blood draws
Reminding me of on Calvary Your bleeding

I look for answers at night in these quiet halls
All I hear is beeping
Echos of cries and goodbyes

Adrenaline will not allow my sleeping

Lights flash and my heart gets weak
Tears come and go, the humor of trying to sleep
I stare at you in your capsule
Alone but so kept by His hand I still weep

Oh God I know trials grow me but my poor little one lies poked and prodded 
Pumping milk is my only comfort for him, my only way to convey my deep love You allotted 

Prayers from around the world
Africa to China, nurses to grandparents and friends 
Begging, pleading for your little life and recovery 
People up all night, coming to His glorious throne for you,Nahum, never ends.

My little one I know my God is good
My little one I know my God is faithful and has more compassion than I
My little Nahum I know you are fully protected 
Yet I still have moments where my praying for you has to cease, so I can cry 

Tubes in and tubes out
My emotions go up and down
But my God is steady and stable
And sovereign all around

My love is deep but in His we drowned, My tears are like the rain
But His compassion like the sun 
In His Word my anxiety is extinguished and I’m sustained

Machines and miracles
The Lord heals you in so many ways
Now I just come and sit in awe
Holding you and counting the days

We will all be a family again 
Together He will give us more time
The glow of the holiday, our Savior’s birth 
And our fate in joy align

Thank Lord for the trials
I used to not be able to say
I feel your love and the growth even in the pain
Thank you for your steadfast love each day

The day will come when Nahum will come home
Help me to not lose this wisdom You’ve shared
You are a compassionate, kind loving Father 
Who never ceased to care.

Now I hold my healed baby boy
Tighter and closer than ever before
You though hold us in your loving hands
And my tears you never ignore.

Thank You Loving Lord
Thank You for Your good ways
Please help me remember 
When only by your Word I made it through these days.

P.S. “Cross” is Nahum’s middle name. 

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